Analytic Package MTT
A set of Hand2Note stats and pop-ups for analyzing player databases of MTT players
Analytic Package MTT is a unique set for in-depth analysis of player databases and aliases of tournament players.
Analytic Package MTT includes:
- 55,000 statistical indicators, including 15,000 advanced stats for various board textures;
- over 100 pop-ups for all possible situations and lines of play;
- separation of all lines of play by the player's stack, as well as by the effective stacks of the participants in the hand.
This package has a relatively high price, but the actual cost of one stat is $0,009. Moreover, the 55,000 stats in the Analytic Package can be used not only in your HUDs and pop-ups but also for analyzing databases of both your own and other players, which will be especially useful for poker coaches and schools. The package allows you to easily and quickly analyze player databases down to the smallest details and find leaks in your own game, your opponents', or students' game.
The Analytic Package will help you reach a new level of game analysis and understanding of overall field tendencies.
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