Preflop GTO trainer for PLO catering to players of all skill levels
OmahaPro is a GTO simulator of pre-flop action in four and five-card pot-limit Omaha, which allows you to significantly increase the level of your game and improve your understanding of pre-flop ranges. The convenient and intuitive display of pre-flop ranges is easy to understand for both Texas Holdem and Omaha players.
The OmahaPro web application includes three tools: Preflop, Training, and Results.
OmahaPro Preflop helps to improve the understanding of ranges in PLO. The available tools and features are:
- Selection of different limits and stack sizes for cash games and tournaments.
- Displaying the percentage of actions from each position.
- Both heads-up and multi-way situations are available.
- Convenient comparison of two different pre-flop situations on the same screen.
- Display all types of pre-flop hands, including mono-hands.
- Visualization of hands, which are always considered a fold, for faster work and understanding of the bottom of the range.
- High-speed software.
- Adapted for mobile devices.
OmahaPro Training allows you to consolidate the knowledge gained in OmahaPro Preflop with the help of a pre-flop simulator. The available tools and features are:
- Selection of stack sizes, limits, positions, and types of starting hands.
- Stacks in big blinds.
- The location of the Hero position is always from the bottom to the middle, as in a poker room.
- EV and hand opening weight display.
- Training history and percentage of correct decisions.
- Viewing the entire range does not require exiting the training mode.
- The "Smart Mode" mode removes obvious hands that are never played. Also, if you make a mistake in solving a situation, the simulator will randomly repeat this hand until it is corrected.
- Viewing all variations of the played hand with all possible suit combinations.
- High-speed software.
- Adapted for mobile devices.
OmahaPro Results gives you the opportunity to monitor your results and the progress of your growth in pre-flop poker. The available tools and features are:
- Display your best results of all time.
- Output average results for the last 30 days.
- Adapted to mobile devices.
Note: To purchase Omaha Pro, registration on the website is required.